What’s new in 2022? Where do we begin? There’s already less drone-grounding weather, and with Covid restrictions falling further and further out of fashion, there’s more work than ever!
Meanwhile, an unlikely source of drone innovation is showing off the full power and potential of our pioneering profession. Ukraine has been given lethal drone hardware to help in its fight against Russia, but its use of simple reconnaissance drones has been even more fascinating.
Getting eyes in the sky without risking the lives of pilots has yielded a perspective of such value that it can swing entire battles in their favor. Our survey work is quite similar in its essence, just (thankfully) not in the middle of a warzone.
What’s that saying? Necessity is the mother of invention, and it’s been interesting to watch them innovate as the situation requires, as we’ve had to do in several of our recent projects!
Mark and the EAP Team
Airports are supposed to be no-drone zones, but...

...we have received a waiver from the FAA and ATC to operate from the surface to 400ft at a class Bravo international airport, both day and night!
We’ve already conducted our first flight at Las Vegas’ McCarran Airport and we’ll be spending the next three years there filming the construction progress of the adjacent Dream Hotel, representing a new phase in the development of the southern strip.
Check out one of the 360 tours we created of each floor:
We also recently flew at Bullhead city airport for a design work project before gliding over to Glendale Goodyear and Deer Valley for an MCC Project showcasing their facilities.
Last but not least, we are proud to announce we have been selected as the on-call video and drone production company for Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport! Watch this space for a glimpse at the amazing aircraft and facilities we will be filming in the near future.

Did you know we’ve been on the state Job Order Contract list for a year?!
We are at attention and ready to serve! But we could use your help to ensure we’re finally picked off that list. So…
Click this link
Click on the CTC State of Arizona PDF
Download it, then search for Drones in the doc and viola! All our buttery goodness is right there.
Now you know how to add us to all your bids for the state and we are in every county, so don’t be shy! As always, call us with any questions at 480-744-5707.
Phoenician Grand Opening Video and Progression
As you know, we are well known for our progression mapping/topo, video, pictures and of course, our dramatic project timelapse videos.
Check out our recent update of the Grand Opening at Ascent, a huge new luxury project at the Phoenician. Impressed? Here’s the grand opening video.
Underwater Topography
Oooooooooh… Who flies drones but also works under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants? Maybe in a future episode. For now, it’s just us.

What are you looking at exactly? That’s the Colorado River between Arizona and Nevada where we need to figure out the topography of the river bottom so engineers can build a bridge across to connect the highway and Bullhead City.

The challenge is the shifting water. The speed of the water is constantly changing and the project team was initially provided a bad manual topo, so in we come with a boat and a multi-beam scanner to recreate the surface of the river bottom so designers could get to work engineering the footings. Pretty cool huh? Watch out for the final results in the next newsletter.
The 2021 Sizzle Reel is Here!
Thanks to everyone who hired us last year! There was so much content from 2021 we wanted to put in our feature reel but including everything would have made it a 60min video. We recognize how blessed we are to showcase projects, people and companies, so thanks to everyone watching this video and I hope you see one of your projects featured.
Security Camera Footage
As many of you are aware, we have 5k security monitoring cameras that use solar and cellphone tech to live broadcast and capture time-lapse videos on our job sites.
Here is our recent timelapse of the Phoenix Capitol building.
And our favorite video of the year so far is thanks to our friends at SD Crane Builders. Check out this incredible drone timelapse of the dome renovation.
New Equipment Procured or on Its Way

New cinelifter for movie shoots is here - We do a lot of TV and movie work. New tech on the market is allowing us to film using cameras on hyper-fast drones, which has boosted demand for true FPV shooting. That’s why we invested in the new Cinewhoop! Now we can chase cars and dive buildings in our upcoming shoots!
New falcon 8 plus - Why do we need another drone? Well, being able to fly around cell phone towers, under bridges, through building inspections and have 41Mb of images using a top-of-the-line DSLR while in GPS-denied environments means we can deliver incredible detail safely and save costs on cherry pickers or rigging up guys to take iPhone pics of peeling paint, rusted bolts, delamination etc etc. Check out this video of the Falcon 8; yes she is weird looking but she is very cool.
New lidar system coming - Looking at a drone and drive lidar for purchase - We will send out images as soon as this amazing (and expensive!) piece of kit arrives.

6-wheel drive UTV for Rent - Come one, come all! Come see our amazing UTV that can’t get stuck and carries all of our s#$t! What’s that? Wish you had one? Well, ours is available for rent, so hit us up and rent our machine before your next mission.
In the works… (Here’s what to look forward to reading about in our next newsletter.)
2 clients and 4 projects in Colorado from roads to industrial and ALTA.
We’re back in Oklahoma doing more gas and oil work.
Soon we will be off to Sitka Alaska to do 25 miles of utility corridor and digital twins of the city! Who wants to come fishing with us?
This month we completed 50 miles of road expansion for right-of-way and utility work. Next time we’ll showcase the results, linework and 3d features - all services we offer.
We’re hiring! 2 pilots immediately
You don’t have to be trapped in an office 24/7 to work with exciting, cutting-edge technology. If you’re into drones, the future of aviation and creative problem-solving, you might be just the person we’re looking for…
Includes company van and all the equipment you can handle
Email resumes to info@extremeaerialproductions.com or call us at 480-744-5707 to apply.